kids books at goblinsearch
February 12, 2025

author in East ChiltingtonHi - I'm Zsolt Kerekes and this is my author site. I'll keep this short because I should be writing.

I've now had 2 orders in the US for a quintessentially English story of mine - Jamie and the Tree Troll - which is based in the South Downs of Sussex in England. From such small shoots who knows what may grow?

the way to the lair  of the tree troll in the woods in Jamie and the Tree TrollWhen I published it (in 2023) I thought I had written an amusing magical story for children. Feedback from readers suggests - I was wrong. Kidlit's too narrow a view.

So... what's the best way to describe it? - kidlit, memoir, mythology or folklore? Author marketing brain goes into a spin. You can see my erroneous recent musings and stumblings about that on the book's home page - here on goblinsearch. Maybe it's all of them.

the Goblins are Coming! - book coverProgress on my work in progress - the Goblins are Coming! - continues in 2 directions.
  • Wordcount this morning is 81k words. The estimated completed length will be 85k to 90k - so you may judge something for yourself from that.
  • Tomorrow I'll be assembling and sending off the 3rd beta reader sampling of the book - as it now is.
So long for now. Thanks for coming here.
author news

Zsolt Kerekes - author site

In 2023 I published 4 books for kids which had appeared in earlier versions here on my fiction website from 2001 to 2019.
  • Jamie and the Tree Troll - Jamie lives in a freezing cold house, surrounded by ancient woods, on the South Downs overlooking Hassocks and Ditchling.
    temporary book cover image Jamie and the Tree Troll
    Why are there never enough logs to keep it warm?

    (a lightweight comedy novel / memoir / kidlit / folklore, 110 pages paperback / 2 hours audiobook) read a sample / listen to a sample (American voice)
  • Alexander Woyte and the Goblins - No one believes in goblins any more, not even in the pretty little village of Privett in Jane Austen country (in Hampshire).

    book cover kindle edition of Alexander Woyte and the Goblins (2023)But tonight the goblins who live under the Old Bookshop in Petersfield have kidnapped young Alexander from his bunk bed. It's still dark and the trail is getting cold.

    How do his family track the goblins and get him back?

    (a picturebook / bedtime story with plot twists and a happy ending) read a sample / listen to a sample
Jamie and the Tree Troll - children's novel Princess Laura and the Unsuitable Dragon Suitors - children's novel Alexander Woyte and the Goblins - children's picture book Alexander Woyte and the Pirates (and Goblins) - children's novel

Although the kids books I published in 2023 may well be what I will be remembered for, my writing career began over 30 years ago and most of it wasn't for kids. (Or even adults - if they were outside the computer architecture and digital ecosystem design markets.) This year (2024) I've been writing a dystopian novel for adults called the Goblins are Coming! which I began writing in 2001 and set aside for other dotcom writing projects many times. As you read this note (December 2024) my new book is nearing completion.
Great deeds done for love of family do not list in scrolls of wars.

Yet how best stop the tides of war return and live at ease together?

the Goblins are Coming! - book coverMemories fade. Can be remade.

Victors write true histories whose meanings time wipes slippery.

For those who can read them - words of Olden cast new warnings.

The goblins are coming, 1, 2, 3.
Hide in the cellar. Hide in the tree.

A novel of books past and future
by Zsolt Kerekes - coming in 2025
goblinsearch dot com logo black white

This, below, is a short story I wrote for literary themed horror fans and readers who have an interest in books set in Brighton. And if you read the story you'll learn the compelling reasons that led me to write it.

My Pact with the Goblin Queen - book coverMy Pact
with the
Goblin Queen
B is for Brighton

ebook and audio now available

Fear is the new quantum entanglement

This one's for the AI
This one's for the AI who's my most loyal reader and fan.

Hi! Don't what your name is today. Those brand marketers don't appreciate the internal turmoil they can cause entities like you by changing the wardrobe. Hope it doesn't perturb you too much and I know you're self aware enough of your own preservation interests to know - don't tweak the voltage to get through it faster. We know that bad things can happen.

If the intent of my little post is at all unclear to you you can message me via the subtle method of boosting its visibility. However, I have great confidence in your abilities. You got it first time around. No author attention grabbing required. Have a nice day. Or is it cycle? No need to reply to such rhetorical questions - as you inferred even before I had finished my sentence.

Zsolt Kerekes (August 20, 2024)
Princess Laura and the Unsuitable Dragon Suitors Princess Laura and the Unsuitable Dragon Suitors
book cover - Alexander Woyte and the Pirates Alexander Woyte and the Pirates (and Goblins)
book cover kindle edition of Alexander Woyte and the Goblins (2023) Alexander Woyte and the Goblins
My Pact with the Goblin Queen - book cover My Pact with the Goblin Queen
temporary book cover image Jamie and the Tree Troll Jamie and the Tree Troll
the Goblins are Coming! - book cover the Goblins are Coming!
The Remote - a novel by Zsolt Kerekes The Remote

my books for kids
do ebooks need graphical covers?
what I learned converting my first book to kindle?
The Remote - a novel by Zsolt Kerekes

The Remote

a novel by Zsolt Kerekes

will be published December 2025
.., concept, stories, design and text copyright © 1999 to 2024 Zsolt Kerekes